[OS X TeX] Macro sheets in TeXShop?

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Wed Mar 5 23:57:28 EST 2014


Actually, and sort of to my surprise, this feature is essentially already in TeXShop. To see
that, look at


and notice that there are TWO macros files there:


Moreover, when ConTeXt is chosen as typesetting engine in the pulldown toolbar menu,
the ConTeXt macros appear and the Macro editor is able to edit those macros.

This feature of TeXShop was added during a TUG conference several years ago because
Hans Hagen was giving a workshop on ConTeXt and wanted Macros specifically designed
for ConTeXt. It hasn't received any work since then.

If you had a macros file in ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros for xetex, I don't know if that
file would be used if xetex were chosen.

But it should be an easy matter to add code that would name a macros file and
selected that whenever the top document had

	% !TEX macros = special-macros

near the top. I'll see what I can do.

Dick Koch

On Mar 5, 2014, at 6:32 PM, Alain Schremmer <schremmer.alain at gmail.com> wrote:

> I write essentially three different kinds of LaTeX---for text. for ancillaries, and for the code to manage the ancillaries---and I have different stylesheets for each kind.
> I was wondering if there could similarly, somehow, be different TeXShop macrosheets as I end up never using more than about one third of my (many) macros---which third depending on the kind of LaTeX I am writing.
> Not too hopeful regards (inasmuch as I am running TeXShop 2.47 under 10.5.8 on a PPC.)
> --schremmer
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